Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The last 7 months

On January 25th Aiden Tyler McNair was born and from that moment on he has been on a mission to remind me, at every single minute of the day, that life will never be the same.  And so it began...my journey into Mommyhood.  Gone were the days of tailored suits, power lunches, and business happy hours. Gone were the days of excel spreadsheets, board room meetings, and power presentations.  

Nowadays a tailored suit is what I wear when trying to feed my child so my concoction of oatmeal, peaches, and peas doesnt get all over my hair (blah). Who the hell thinks of these combinations?!?!?! Thankfully it also doubles as a diaper changing suit. 

No, that is not Aiden. Its random messy baby in need of a power wash.  

Power lunches no longer involve brainstorming ideas on how to penetrate a new federal agency. Nooooo, power lunches are now the extreme workout I have to do every single feeding to get my son to open his mouth to eat.  I am now officially an expert at landing airplanes, driving trains, counting in french, sparring, karate chopping and dancing the macarena.  Hey, at least I dont make him eat my foot.

NO, this is not Aiden although teething has tempted me to do so. :)
And happy hours, oh yes, good ol care free happy hours of drunken debauchery are gone.  This is my new happy hour:

Yes, that is my beautiful child sleeping and yes for that hour, mommy is very happy. :)

Boardroom meetings have become baby meetings!

And although I still have to use PowerPoint for various consulting reasons, I am happy to say that excel sheets are hardly existent in my life now. THANK GOD!

Yep, life is certainly different and although there are times I miss my executive life, I wouldnt change getting to see my little man morning, day, and night for anything in this world.  I spent 34 years working to define me and it took him less than a minute to completely redefine me.  What can I say, I love the little guy.

Aiden Tyler 02-01-2011

Adam and Aiden Tyler 03-07-2011

Aiden Tyler 04-18-2011

Aiden Tyler 05-18-2011 (makes guest appearance on South Park)

Aiden Tyler 06-22-2011

Aiden Tyler 07-24-2011

Aiden Tyler and his Grandad 08-11-2011

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