Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Handyman Can

I am always amazed and therefore obligated to make mention of my husband’s ability to do almost anything. You would think, from his handyman skills, that he spends his day working in construction or as an all around home contractor, but this is not the case.  As an executive himself, he spends his days writing business plans, coming up with business/technical solutions for the federal government, and helping shape the strategic direction of his company. At home, however, he is my own little Bob Vila. 

Throughout the course of our relationship I have seen him fix/upgrade many things. I remember how in order to fix holes on the floor that were left from the removal of an oil boiler, he ingeniously screwed on screws on dowels to be able to hold on to them without them falling through to the crawlspace while the glue dried.  Or how about the time he fixed my clothes washer, whose timer had broken, with just a long screw and some strong glue saving me over $300 bucks in parts.  We should change our last name from McNair to McGyver.

These past examples are just a few honorable mentions since the amount of projects my husband has been brave enough to tackle are too many to mention. Over the past few years, my husband’s handyman skills have saved us a ton of money on home repairs/renovations and a lot of heartaches from contractors who simply do not care enough to do the job right. I must say, however, that more than the money we have saved, I am more grateful for my husband’s willingness to do anything around the house that I need done. No matter how big the project is, I never get a “later” or “maybe” or an “its not necessary”. 

One of the most recent projects involved our washer and dryer machines which we brought over from my house when we got married and moved in together earlier this year. I insisted on bringing our machines over since they were newer and more efficient than the ones he had at his house.  Unfortunately, I did not take into account that my normally stacked machines were not stackable at his house due to space constrictions.  The end result were two machines so close to the ground that only Oompa Loompas or Christmas elves could do laundry without blowing their backs. I went ahead and bought $500 worth of pedestals, which obviously did not fit my machines because life cannot be that easy.   In totally frustration, I had completely resigned myself to forever doing laundry on my knees or bypassing child labor laws and forcing our unborn child to do our laundry while he was still two feet tall.  

I was not surprised nor did I doubt his ability to do so when my husband said he would build pedestals for my machines so my back wouldn't hurt when I wanted to do laundry.  As I watched him and my dear father in law laying on the floor with their own backs hurting building my pedestals, I realized how grateful I was not only to God for giving him these skills but also to my husband for always being willing to put them to use for me no matter how tired or busy he is. 

Thanks Honey…I love you more than words can describe.   

1 comment:

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